
1 Table leve replication
2 Warm standby
4 Hetrogeneous
5 Re-sync warm standby while user activity continues on Primary

1 Table leve replication:-

1)  Add database to replication system by rs_init

Enter the number of your choice and press return: 1
CONFIGURE REPLICATION SYSTEM                                                  
1.  Install a new Replication Server                                          
2.  Add a database to the replication system

2) create replication defination

create replication definition uat_155_tab-------------<RS>
 with primary at uat_155.tap_to_rep
 with primary table name feeder_time
 with replicate table named 'feeder_time'
  (id int,name varchar(30))
 primary key(id)

3) create subscription

create subscription scr_feeder -------------<RS>
for uat_155_tab
with replicate at uat_155_rd.tap_to_rep
without materialization

4) check subscription

check subscription scr_feeder-------------<RS>
for uat_155_tab
with replicate at uat_155_rd.tap_to_rep

use tap_to_rep-------------------<SDS>
grant all on feeder_time to tap_to_rep_maint
use tap_to_tep-----------<PDS>
sp_setreptable feeder_time
use uat_rs_RSSD-----------<PDS>
1> rs_helprep uat_155_tab
2> go
 Replication Definition Name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PRS                                      Type     Creation Date                         
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------
 uat_155_tab                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    uat_rs                                   Tbl      Mar 21 2013 12:46AM                   
 PDS.DB                                                       Primary Owner                            Primary Table                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 uat_155.tap_to_rep                                                                                    feeder_time                                                     


Re-sync warm standby while user activity continues on Primary:-

Used dump/load with warm standby dump marker to resync warm standby with primary while primary is active.

1. Drop the physical connection to the standby database.
Use "drop connection to data_server.database" command in the repserver.

2. Use rsinit to add the standby database to the logical connection with "dump & load"
with "dump marker" option. Warm standby will ignore all transactions in its stable queue
until it sees the dump marker.

3. Dump at the Active

4. Load at the standby

5. When the load is complete, resume the connection to the standby resume connection to dataserver.database

6. Run "admin logical_status" in the repserver to make sure the standby database is active.
If the standby is "Waiting for enable marker", make sure the LTM/RepAgent is running.

7. Remember not to reset the LTM truncation point in the Active database after the dump
and before the LTM is started. If this has been done, the "dump marker" would be lost
and the standby database will be in a "waiting for enable marker" state forever