mongoDB DBA

1) Command to reindex all mongodb collections

2) Finding and Terminating Long-Running Operations in MongoDB

3) Repairing a Collection’s Datafiles
Command to reindex all mongodb collections

4) Repairing a Collection’s Indexes

5) Repairing a Server

6) Shutting Down a Server

7) Enabling and Disabling the DB Profiler

8) mongoDB health check commands


1) Command to reindex all mongodb collections
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(coll_name) {
  var coll = db.getCollection(coll_name);



2)Finding and Terminating Long-Running Operations in MongoDB

  function(op) {
    if(op.secs_running > 5) printjson(op);

kill command:- db.killOp(op_id)


3) Repairing a Collection’s Datafiles


4) Repairing a Collection’s Indexes



5) Repairing a Server

mongod --dbpath /data/db --repair

6) Shutting Down a Server

>use admin


7) Enabling and Disabling the DB Profiler

>use blog
It is an equally simple matter to disable the profiler:
>use blog

maximum query execution time value in milliseconds (ms).


profiling for all queries by setting the profiler level to 2.



8) mongoDB health check commands

 a) mongostat, b) mongotop, c) db.serverStatus(),  d) db.stats(),  e) db.collection.stats(),

  f) db.printReplicationInfo(),  g) rs.status(), h) sh.status()