Prod Issues

Production Issues:-

  1. Server got hang by timeslice -1501
  2. Unable to bring up the server it through Error: 3474
  3. Update statistics taking longer time -- system very slow
  4. Reorg is stuck & not able to kill it. System is Hung
  5. users unable to login
  6. one table got 644, 614 and 1120 during the update data
  7. Tables are corrupted and dbcc tablealloc couldn't fix the error
  8. After configure from one engine to four engines by sp_configure 'number of engines at startup',4 the server through error "- Engine 0 (os pid 231) has died" after some time server crashed
  9. The stack trace occurred when running online database after loading a dump from 12.5.2 to 15.0.3 server
  10. tempdb is not releasing the space
  11. 1) A database became unusable due to a number of processes filling the transaction log and attempting to rollback 2) A database was marked suspect with 926 error.
  12. Get Msg 5030 when trying to alter database
  13. Error: 8436, Severity: 26, State: 2
  14. Upgrade to ASE 1503 from ASE 1254---->ONLINE DATABASE db_name fails with error 2601
  15. Page migration by sybmigration tool and downgrade the version by sp_downgrade
  16. How to find which process are filling tempdb

Server got hang by timeslice -1501
00:00000:00212:2013/09/28 21:34:39.63 kernel timeslice -1501, current process infected
00:00000:00212:2013/09/28 21:34:39.63 kernel ************************************
00:00000:00212:2013/09/28 21:34:39.63 kernel SQL causing error : #####
00:00000:00212:2013/09/28 21:34:39.63 kernel ************************************
00:00000:00212:2013/09/28 21:34:39.63 server SQL Text: #####
00:00000:00212:2013/09/28 21:34:39.88 kernel end of stack trace, spid 212, kpid 53018947, suid 5290
What We had done:
even "increase the value of 'cpu grace time' from 1500 to 2000" issue is not resolved.
Found from diffrenet sp(and also pss) uses lot of sort_merge join, We had turn off sort_merge.
Found it didn't through some error but it took lot of time for this job.
and also confirmed through memdump from sybase
Here are the analysis of the timeslice error:
1) There are a lot of merge-sort joins which use a lot of temptables and the 2K pool of tempdb_cache.
2) The tempdb_cache is very small. It is only of 50MB. In addition the 2K pool of tempdb_cache is of 12800 2K-page, which is only around 25MB.
3) The "enable sort-merge joins and JTC" parameter is on the environment
4) The number of sort buffers is at 1000, which is high.
5) Since there are many merge-sort joins going at a very small tempdb_cache, some of the process needs to wait for the availability of the cache pool.
6) When the processes could not find one available cache, it will keep seraching for one by a loop process due to the nature of the merge-sort join.
7) When a process exists the allocated CPU time and its CPU grace period, it will be terminated with a timeslice error.
8) Now, if that terminated process holds a system spinlock, ASE will be shutdown too.
1) Limited size of tempdb_cache and its 2K pool
2) A lot of merge-sort joins, which require a lot of system resources
3) High configured number of sort buffers, which hold the buffer unnecessarily than what they needs.
1) Increase the tempdb_cache and its 2K pool
2) Turn off "enable sort-merge joins and JTC" if the application does not need merge-sort join.
3) Decrease the number of sort buffers to 800. The maximum number used as shown in the memdump is not more than 800.
after turn off sort-merge join and jtc issue is resolved.
Unable to bring up the server It through Error: 3474
00:00000:00001:2011/07/18 04:00:36.62 server Error: 3474, Severity: 21, State: 1
00:00000:00001:2011/07/18 04:00:36.62 server During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #=2707, object id = 33, page timestamp=0000 0000131b. Log old timestamp=0000 000163cf. Log record marker = (9322, 14).
in RUN_file add -T3453, the server came on line.
Update statistics taking longer time -- system very slow
3 times a day, apps team is deleting 10 - 15 million rows and bcp in 10 - 15 million rows and then run update stats. the table is having 170+ million rows.
Table contains unique cluster index on col1,col2,col3,col4. col1 has more duplicate rows compare to col2,col3 and col4
Observed:-1) update stat is in sleep stat 2) sysmon outputs are showing 90% CPU utilization
What We did:-
1) refresh the prod data to test server
2) used Large i/o cache
3) used 16K i/o
4) increase procedure cache
5) Increase "number of sort buffers"
6) Ran update stat
7) it went fine in a short time
8) took the statistics from test
9) ftp the test server statistics to prod and load it as below..
optdiag binary statistics <dbname>..<tablename> -U<user> -P password -o<filename>
optdiag binary statistics <dbname>..<tablename> -U<user> -P password -i<filename>
*** The above method we used for one time, latter on  We had allocated consequent resources due to application nature
Reorg is stuck & not able to kill it. System is Hung
verison Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.3/EBF 17775 ESD#4/P/RS6000/AIX 5.3/ase1503/2768/64-bit/FBO
identified the below:
1. Had run the reorg rebuild on one table, usually this take 4 - 5 minutes to complete but this process went into sleeping mode.
2. After few hours the log segment become full and database went into log suspend mode
3. Had seen that reorg process was in syslogshold and in sleeping state, so kill could not take effect on reorg rebuild
4. Had increased some more space to logsegment assuming that process will go to rollback but this did not happen
5. Finally shutdown the server and restarted
01:00000:00235:2012/10/17 13:05:51.26 server Error: 632, Severity: 20, State: 2
server Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of 25600. Maximum allowed length is 16384
05:00000:00016:2012/12/17 13:02:40.33 server Undo pass for database 'xxxxx': 30489719 records done (64%); 16417545 records left.
05:00000:00016:2012/12/17 13:02:41.48 server Undo pass for database 'xxxb': 32835082 records done (69%); 14072182 records left.
01:00000:00235:2012/12/17 13:03:51.22 server DBCC TRACEON 3604, SPID 235
01:00000:00016:2012/12/17 13:04:34.19 server Undo pass for database 'xxxxb': 35180445 records done (74%); 11726819 records left.
01:00000:00235:2012/12/17 13:05:51.26 server Error: 632, Severity: 20, State: 2
01:00000:00235:2012/12/17 13:05:51.26 server Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of -1. Maximum allowed length is 16384.
1> dbcc showrecovery(XXXXXXb)
2> go
Spid: 16
Command: Boot/Failover
Type: Boot Time
Pass: Undo
Recovery Log Markers:
Checkpoint Log Record: (59695797, 3)
First Log Record: (58807387, 10)
Last Log Record: (59754796, 22)
% of requests for log pages found in cache: 100.0
% of requests for log pages physically read: 0.00
Msg 632, Level 20, State 2:
Server 'XXXXXX_PROD', Line 1:
Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of -1. Maximum allowed length is 16384.
What we did:-
1) Turn off statement caching
2) Ran dbcc indexalloc
3) Found error, we drop and create the index
4) Ran reorg on the table
users unable to login
No one able to login, found the table syslogin had EX_INT lock
Run dbcc lock_requeue("table",1,33) to try unblock this
situation, and/or set the configuration parameter "cpu accounting flush interval" to a larger value such that ASE avoids frequently updating the syslogins system table.
Alternately, the value for the "i/o accounting flush interval" parameter can be increased.
one table got 644, 614 and 1120 during the update data
refresh the database on uat and did the below steps
Delete all system catalog information for the object
1)bcp out the table
use master
sp_dboption database-name, 'read only', true
use database-name
dbcc traceon(3604)
and clear extents for the given objects by using below..
dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc extentzap (database-id, object-id, index-id, 0)
dbcc extentzap (database-id, object-id, index-id, 1)
drop table_name
create table_name
bcp in the table
Tables are corrupted and dbcc tablealloc couldn't fix the error.
Here is next action plan to recover full data:
1. Restore database into UAT server.
2. Take BCP out from these two tables(we have a problem with 2 tables).
3. Create temp table by running create table statement in prod server(the size of  tables are small).
4. Do BCP into two tables.
5. Once BCP finished then re-name these tables to original table.
6. Run sp_recompile table_name
After configure from one engine to four engines by sp_configure 'number of engines at startup',4 the server through error "- Engine 0 (os pid 231) has died" after some time server crashed
- Engine 0 (os pid 231) has died, server is performing emergency shutdown
- stack trace including
- os_notify_process: kill failed. pid 397 No such process
- Abnormal exit detected - ASE process level execution bindings will be cleared on startup.
We came to know that there are some env had missed out as given below.
Add the below lines in /etc/sysctl.conf:
kernel.exec-shield = 0
kernel.randomize_va_space = 0
Issue resolved.
The stack trace occurred when running online database after loading a dump from 12.5.2 to 15.0.3 server
Stack trace:-
01:00000:00015:2010/09/22 11:29:20.21 kernel end of stack trace, spid 15, kpid 1638425, suid 0
01:00000:00015:2010/09/22 11:29:20.22 server Error: 15600, Severity: 20, State: 1
01:00000:00015:2010/09/22 11:29:20.22 server Lookup of systabstats for database 'ddddd' (6
), object 'sysindexes' (2), index 'csysindexes' (2), partition '' (2) failed.
In sources:-
use master
sp_unbindcache db,obj
dump tran ..
dump database ..
at target:
load database ..
online database db
tempdb is not releasing the space
dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc orphantables
dbcc orphantables('drop')
it will work for systemp tempdb not for user tempdb, for this we have to bounce the server or dbcc dbreboot(reboot,user_tempdb)
dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc orphantables
dbcc orphantables('drop')
it will work for systemp tempdb not for user tempdb, for this we have to bounce the server or dbcc dbreboot(reboot,user_tempdb)
A database became unusable due to a number of processes filling the transaction log and attempting to rollback
1) sp_configure "allow updates", 1
If you cannot execute this, manually edit this value in *.cfg file and restart.
2) Please write down current sysdatabases status value first:
select status from sysdatabases where name = "XXXX"
Use this number in step 6 as value_step_2. If the database is already in suspect mode, this value if of no use.
3) Change the status of the database to bypass recover mode (-32768)
use master
update sysdatabases set status = -32768 where name = 'XXXX'
4) Shutdown the server with nowait
5) Start the server and check that the database is in bypass recovery mode (it would show in the errolog)
Starting in single user mode (-m in RUN_server file is recommended but not strictly needed)
6) add more space to the database
use master
alter database XXXX log on device_name = XXXX
6) change the status of the database to value saved at step 2)
If the value in step 2 is not valid for reset, use 0 or another known acceptable value for this database.
update sysdatabases set stautus = value_step_2 where name = 'XXXX'
7) shutdown the server with nowait
8) start the server and see if the server is able to recover the database.
Remove -m flag if used in step 5.
9) sp_configure "allow updates", 0

A database was marked suspect with 926 error:-

Activate the device,

Remove the suspect status by subtracting 256 from the current database status value in sysdatabases

Either reboot the server or run dbcc dbrecover (dbname)(to run dbcc dbrecover, the database status must first be 320 or higher)
Get Msg 5030 when trying to alter database
dbcc dbreboot(reboot,<dbname>)
Error: 8436, Severity: 26, State: 2
Index descriptor found was not expected to be in a FREE state.
Restart of ASE resolved the issue. Likely an in-memory fault at the root of the issue.
Upgrade to ASE 1503 from ASE 1254---->ONLINE DATABASE db_name fails with error 2601

(output truncated)
Initialization of sysusers in database ddddd found that the row for system role 'dtm_tm_role' is missing. Adding the required row to sysusers.
Msg 2601, Level 14, State 6:
Server 'ssssss', Line 1:
Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysusers' with unique index 'ncsysusers1'
Command has been aborted.
(0 rows affected)
Msg 3461, Level 20, State 1:
Server 'ASE3', Line 1:
use master
load database ddddd from ....
sp_configure "allow updates", 1
dbcc traceon (3604, 990)
online database dddd
-- will fail with error 2601
use db_name (it allow due to tf 990)
delete from sysusers where gid > 16389
delete from sysroles where lrid > 16389
online database db_name----->(it worked in some server for not all)
dbcc dbreboot(reboot,db_name)
online database db_name

Page Migration by sybmigration tool

ase15@sybuat:/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/bin> cat  /home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini
# This is a sample Migration Tool resource file.

# Server wide information

# Repository database setup attributes.  This is required with "setup" mode.
# Repository database size in MB.
# Device used to create the "sybmigrate" database.

# Migrate server wide data - logins, roles, remote servers, etc...
# valid only with "setup" mode, default is yes

# Database information

# Migrate the "testdb" database objects
# Specify the source target database to migrate.

# Migrate database data, valid only if "migrate_server_data"
# was set to "yes" in "setup" mode. This is default to yes.

# Work database setup attributes.  This is required with "setup" mode.
# Work database size in MB.
# Device used to create the work database.

# Number of threads use to do user table data copy

# Number of thread use to create indexes.

# Number of thread use to do ddl migration/validation

# Automatically select the dependent objects for migration and
# validation.  Valid values are "yes" or "no".


ase15@sybuat:/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/bin> ./sybmigrate -r /home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini  -m validate
  Opened file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/init/logs/sybmigrate0217.001' to be used as the migration log.
  Migration Tool invoked with debug level 2.
  Processing resource file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini'...
  Processing resource file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini' complete.
  Login to servers...
  Validated source and target for migration
Source ASE 'syb_155_uat' with network name 'syb_155_uat' (URL: version:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.5/EBF 18164 SMP ESD#2/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asear155/2514/64-bit/FBO/Wed Aug 25 11:17:26 2010
Target ASE 'syb_mig_uat' with network name 'syb_mig_uat' (URL: version:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.5/EBF 18164 SMP ESD#2/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asear155/2514/64-bit/FBO/Wed Aug 25 11:17:26 2010
  Auto select dependent objects...
  Add tasks to repository for database: 'testdb'
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Default' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Rule' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'User Defined Type' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Encryption Key' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Index, Index Constraint' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Referential Constraint' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Logical Keys' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'View' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Stored Procedure' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Trigger' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Save selection to the repository database.
  Saved 0 of 4 tasks to the repository database.
  Saved 4 of 4 tasks to the repository database.
  Validate the migration selection for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Start Validation for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate 12 'Database Data' tasks for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Users' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Alternate Users' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Roles' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Role Attributes' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Permissions' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'User Messages' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Java Classes' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Java Jars' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Lock Promotion Attributes' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Suspect Granularity Attributes' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'Replication Attributes' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validate database data task 'System Encryption Password' for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Validation of 'Table' for path 'testdb --> testdb' complete.
  Validate 2 'User Table Data' tasks for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Started 10 threads.
  Validation of 'User Table Data' for path 'testdb --> testdb' complete.
  Validation for path 'testdb --> testdb' complete.
  Validate objects in database 'testdb' complete.
ase15@sybuat:/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/bin> ./sybmigrate -r /home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini  -m setup
  Opened file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/init/logs/sybmigrate0217.002' to be used as the migration log.
  Migration Tool invoked with debug level 2.
  Processing resource file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini'...
  Processing resource file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini' complete.
  Validated source and target for migration
Source ASE 'syb_155_uat' with network name 'syb_155_uat' (URL: version:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.5/EBF 18164 SMP ESD#2/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asear155/2514/64-bit/FBO/Wed Aug 25 11:17:26 2010
Target ASE 'syb_mig_uat' with network name 'syb_mig_uat' (URL: version:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.5/EBF 18164 SMP ESD#2/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asear155/2514/64-bit/FBO/Wed Aug 25 11:17:26 2010
  WARNING|Setting attribute 'migrate_server_data' is not allowed. Ignoring it.
  Save session info to the repository database.
  Expand repository database by 15 MB.
  Completed setup.
ase15@sybuat:/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/bin> ./sybmigrate -r /home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini  -m migrate
  Opened file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/init/logs/sybmigrate0217.003' to be used as the migration log.
  Migration Tool invoked with debug level 2.
  Processing resource file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini'...
  Processing resource file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini' complete.
  Login to servers...
  Validated source and target for migration
Source ASE 'syb_155_uat' with network name 'syb_155_uat' (URL: version:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.5/EBF 18164 SMP ESD#2/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asear155/2514/64-bit/FBO/Wed Aug 25 11:17:26 2010
Target ASE 'syb_mig_uat' with network name 'syb_mig_uat' (URL: version:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.5/EBF 18164 SMP ESD#2/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asear155/2514/64-bit/FBO/Wed Aug 25 11:17:26 2010
  ERROR|Session path lock: Either an earlier migrate/validate session exited abnormally or there is another session active for migration path 'testdb --> testdb'. To override this, please re-run with '-f' option.
ase15@sybuat:/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/bin> ./sybmigrate -r /home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini  -m migrate -f
  Opened file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/init/logs/sybmigrate0217.004' to be used as the migration log.
  Migration Tool invoked with debug level 2.
  Processing resource file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini'...
  Processing resource file '/home/ase15/sybuat/ASE-15_0/sample/sybmigrate/syb_15_16K_uat.ini' complete.
  Login to servers...
  Validated source and target for migration
Source ASE 'syb_155_uat' with network name 'syb_155_uat' (URL: version:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.5/EBF 18164 SMP ESD#2/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asear155/2514/64-bit/FBO/Wed Aug 25 11:17:26 2010
Target ASE 'syb_mig_uat' with network name 'syb_mig_uat' (URL: version:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.5/EBF 18164 SMP ESD#2/P/x86_64/Enterprise Linux/asear155/2514/64-bit/FBO/Wed Aug 25 11:17:26 2010
  WARNING|Overriding the migration/validation session lock.
  Auto select dependent objects...
  Add tasks to repository for database: 'testdb'
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Default' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Rule' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'User Defined Type' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Encryption Key' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Index, Index Constraint' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Referential Constraint' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Logical Keys' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'View' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Stored Procedure' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  WARNING|No objects of type 'Trigger' exist in the source database for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Save selection to the repository database.
  Start migration for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Migrate 12 'Database Data' tasks for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Migration of database data successful for path 'testdb --> testdb'.
  Migration of 'Database Data' for path 'testdb --> testdb' complete.
  Migration for path 'testdb --> testdb' complete.
  Migrate objects in database 'testdb' complete.


ase15@sybuat:~/sybuat/ASE-15_0/bin> isql -Usa -Ssyb_155_uat  -w2000
1> use testdb
2> go
1> select count(*) from tableA
2> select count (*) from tableB
3> select getdate()
4> go


(1 row affected)


(1 row affected)

        Feb 17 2013  3:43AM

1> set rowcount 20
2> go
1> select id from tableA where name like '%err%'
2> go


ase15@sybuat:~/sybuat/ASE-15_0/bin> isql -Usa -Ssyb_mig_uat  -w2000
1> use testdb
2> go
1> select count(*) from tableA
2>select count (*) from tableB
3>select getdate()
4> go


(1 row affected)


(1 row affected)

        Feb 17 2013  3:53AM

(1 row affected)

1> select id from tableA where name like '%err%'
2> go

(20 rows affected)

downgrade the version by sp_downgrade:-

If you need more information about these topic please send mail to us

How to find which process are filling tempdb

PAGES = pssinfo (spid,'tempdb_pages') ,
DBNAME = db_name(tempdb_id(spid))
from master..sysprocesses
where convert(integer,pssinfo (spid,'tempdb_pages')) > 5000